Monday, April 22, 2013

A Reflection Upon The World I Walk...

In a live minefield I walk
On steps of the other man
That walks upside down in
The dead world that is below
We walk together thus, like
Each other's shadow inseparable
Never knowing when he and I
Would become one for eternity
In fell swoop reduced to nothing
In this fickle world of the living.

Where Fate charges its minions
To do its rancorous biddings
Lay random victims for its sport
Whispering temptation of heaven
To the despondently fallen spirits
Those employed from among us
Who drive its instruments blindly
To betray their own race and kind
Doomed to Judas kiss themselves
By very hand they deal to others.

Each day that makes to evening
And night that makes to dawn
Blessed with sheer dumb luck
And in this world I walk my days
Where we race from dawn to dusk
Each day lived a prayer answered
Where we stood in mock defiance
Told Death boldly, "Not today!"
And then sought courage in
The illusion that we were heard.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Of Tongue To Whose Ears We Entrust

Beware, friend, of whisperers
Who are so deceivingly sweet
In lending of their patient ears
But, being willing slaves to malice
Or by weak bowels of their mind,
Let loose their lips to sink ships
Betraying in deeper consequence.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Black Night, Thou Be Cursed

Black night, thou be cursed,
an angel wept bitter tears
in thy lap tonight.
Had only sought some peace
and piece of eluding sleep –
a refuge from her plight.

That sweet child o’ mine,
lost her slice of happiness,
is woebegone and dried.
Eternally scorched thy sky be,
if thou can’t, to lovely eyes,
some pixie dust provide.


S omewhere on the borderland of mundane and the realm of yonder, Perched a flicker of time on wings still of motion, but restles...