Wednesday, November 22, 2023


Somewhere on the borderland of
mundane and the realm of yonder,
Perched a flicker of time on wings
still of motion, but restless in ponder.

The door doesn't stay open forever
It is bound to no rule or pretext,
Here in the moment now present
but none knows whither in the next.

So while it fleetingly lingered there
a glimpse of an enthralling gateway,
I caught me an eyeful of its glimmer
Before it took wing and got away.

Saturday, October 17, 2020

A Lament For Autumn Of 2020: From Deep, Dark Indoors

Dark have been tricks of this year,
No treats, only the flights of fright.
October, what would you have us do,
Make night of day, abyss of night?

Saturday, May 16, 2020


A dying sun reflected 'pon
life it nurtured by the day,
Forbade the mourning of
valediction by its parting ray. 🌇

There's no evening that ends
without promise of new morn,
And it's only in end of a day
that the next one can be born. 🌇

So, in the west's wicker casket
as it lays weary gleam to rest,
It leaves the world still brighter
with the last of its shining best. 🌇

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Where There's A Will...There's A Door

Reflections from a merry exchange with a friend on an idle Saturday...

On television today
saw a sombre man.
With grave expression
and so called plan.

"Stay indoors everyone,
world's closed today."
But to be confined,
on a sunny Saturday!?

On a fine day like this,
Mr. Television said,
"Draw the curtains you,
and go back to bed."

So, dear, I turned from
door that's closed today.
Picked up a book and
opened me another doorway.

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Water and The Shadow

I heard a telling in a book of old,
"Strong men cast a large shadow,"
I looked at the big tree and the water
And, yes, I decided to give it a go.

Gallons upon gallons I poured on it,
But, as the day rushed to the noon,
My shade grew smaller and smaller
Reduced to a dark blotch very soon.

Yet I poured and poured hope on it
In vain, wisdom over me held no sway
So cosmos decided to give me a lesson
And started growing it the other way.

Ecstatic, I changed the direction of
My enthusiastic endeavors, but nay,
Cosmos played another trick on me
As into the dark my shade walked away.

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Susurrations of the Dark

Have I told you that dark tale
of a room at the devil's hour,
Where will o' wisps lurk
To trick you into hell's bower?

Pay heed to the warning then
pray do not follow that flicker,
For 'tis agent of shadows here
a mischievous, hellish tricker.

Many have come before you
and fallen prey to their doom,
O once you have entered here
There's no way out of this room.

From the Abyss of Dreams

I dreamt of a sky scorched
by winter's eerie charades,
All that was warm and bright
Gives way to dreary shades.


S omewhere on the borderland of mundane and the realm of yonder, Perched a flicker of time on wings still of motion, but restles...