Thursday, January 30, 2020

Water and The Shadow

I heard a telling in a book of old,
"Strong men cast a large shadow,"
I looked at the big tree and the water
And, yes, I decided to give it a go.

Gallons upon gallons I poured on it,
But, as the day rushed to the noon,
My shade grew smaller and smaller
Reduced to a dark blotch very soon.

Yet I poured and poured hope on it
In vain, wisdom over me held no sway
So cosmos decided to give me a lesson
And started growing it the other way.

Ecstatic, I changed the direction of
My enthusiastic endeavors, but nay,
Cosmos played another trick on me
As into the dark my shade walked away.

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S omewhere on the borderland of mundane and the realm of yonder, Perched a flicker of time on wings still of motion, but restles...