Thursday, January 30, 2020

Water and The Shadow

I heard a telling in a book of old,
"Strong men cast a large shadow,"
I looked at the big tree and the water
And, yes, I decided to give it a go.

Gallons upon gallons I poured on it,
But, as the day rushed to the noon,
My shade grew smaller and smaller
Reduced to a dark blotch very soon.

Yet I poured and poured hope on it
In vain, wisdom over me held no sway
So cosmos decided to give me a lesson
And started growing it the other way.

Ecstatic, I changed the direction of
My enthusiastic endeavors, but nay,
Cosmos played another trick on me
As into the dark my shade walked away.

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Susurrations of the Dark

Have I told you that dark tale
of a room at the devil's hour,
Where will o' wisps lurk
To trick you into hell's bower?

Pay heed to the warning then
pray do not follow that flicker,
For 'tis agent of shadows here
a mischievous, hellish tricker.

Many have come before you
and fallen prey to their doom,
O once you have entered here
There's no way out of this room.

From the Abyss of Dreams

I dreamt of a sky scorched
by winter's eerie charades,
All that was warm and bright
Gives way to dreary shades.

Mobile World Blues

I met a man in the street,
he did not meet me though.
He never knew I was there
He was here, yet not y'know!

Sad state of affairs we are,
connected to voices faraway.
But we can't hear what faces
in front of us have to say.


Oft do I sit at top of the world
though I'm at the bottom of it,
Looking upon fortunes I build
wondering where mine own fit.

The Ladder

But, who ever thought of the ladder
that leans against wall to be scaled,
Offering itself to serve changing feet
even if its name will never be hailed!? 

Lesser likely to give it a kind thought
are those whose fortunes it descend,
Whose fall it cushions to prevent
long drop to sudden stop, dead end.

Aye, it is just a means to your end
a lifeless object, nothing more,
But it doth take you to the height
you never had wings or leap for.

It has no use for your gratitude
so do not bother offering it any,
But be kind to its creak and reach
a privilege still denied to many.

Be gentle to steps on your way up
look not upon them with a frown,
For they'd be your one sure wish
if you were on your way down.

This rhyme is like that very ladder 
it doesn't go up or down on its own,
But just a means to remind you
of the little blessings lesser known.


S omewhere on the borderland of mundane and the realm of yonder, Perched a flicker of time on wings still of motion, but restles...